One incredible thought that could improve everything for you this year

Life is hard.  I don’t think it was meant to be anything else.  It is in the struggling that we find purpose.  Answers to meaningful questions should not loll about at surface level but should be tucked away in obscure nooks, found only by careful thought, eager enquiry and plain old persistence.    The search keeps us alive and vital and the answers, when found, are treasured and credit: Ed Yourdon via photopin ccA little while ago, when I was feeling completely overwhelmed at work, I was challenged to discover six areas that are vital for me to accomplish in my leadership role and then to concentrate on only those.  I wrote many items on my list only to be scratched off and replaced by others.  It took a lot longer than I thought it would but in the end it was a fascinating and worthwhile exercise.  It set me free from the myriad of burdens leaders sometimes find themselves carrying.It got me thinking.  What about my life outside of work?  What are six areas in my personal life that, if I concentrated on only those for a set period, would change my world?  It was a life altering exercise for me.I have honed in on one that I would like to share with you. If adopted, I believe it could improve everything in your life.Kindness.Yup. That old fashioned idea of being kind to one another.  If you choose kindness this year, your life will change for the better.  Of this, I have no doubt.Kindness requires that we are considerate toward others and that we not inconvenience them. Kindness prompts us to be courteous and show respect.  Kindness asks that we not hurt but rather that we are benevolent toward one another.  Kindness demands generosity and forgiveness and gentleness.  Kindness given and kindness received provides an alternative to this “me-first” world we have created.  Kindness will recreate our world.  And when life is hard, kindness will offer a gentle refuge.“And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.” – Ephesians 4:32


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