Adding this to your Thanksgiving list is sure to make you happier
No matter how busy we become during the holiday season, there comes a time where we simply need to stop and refocus.Whether we are in a good place or whether we are struggling with deep issues, we need to give thanks. Giving thanks brings joy in times of celebration and comfort in times of hurt. Giving thanks makes us happier. Especially when we give thanks for people, not just for things.Every one of us is surrounded by people - given to us by God.People who, if we allow them to, change us and make us better.Even the difficult ones can be instrumental in developing us.These are my people for whom I give thanks.For every person who is part of this season of my life. In the Northern Hemisphere the leaves have turned with the season. Seasons of life are necessary. And good. And beautiful. For this I give thanks.To the Board members of Orchard: Africa. Your unfailing support gives me courage. I love my job. My job is a part of who I am and I am a part of this job. Orchard: Africa is a calling, a holy task, a purpose in eternity. You, our Board, serve this purpose with a faithfulness that encourages me.To the staff alongside whom I labor. All 32 of you. You are my heroes. Seriously. You are my heroes.To every single Orcharad; Africa partner. I am humbled by your trust and strengthened by your generosity.I give thanks.
To my friends. My life is rich and warm, filled with joy and filled with Jesus because of you.To my pastor. Chad, you have shepherded me with kindness and dignity and diligence. Your door is always open to me and your heart, which is so clearly turned toward God, leads me well. You are a pastor par excellence.To my extended family. You do exactly that - extend me. You make me bigger than I am and give me a place to belong.I give thanks.
To my sisters. I am safely tucked in the middle. You are my bookends. You keep me upright and true to who I am. You are my history and my anchor.To my children. From your very conception you changed me and shaped me. With you I have learnt unfailing, unconditional love. I don’t know what I did to deserve you. You make me rich in every possible way. To my grandchildren (and the little one on the way). You are my delight and my joy. I give a whole lot of thanks.To my husband. You are my safe harbor. You are my secret place. You have loved me thoroughly all these many years. There are no words good enough to thank you.
To my God. Your very self you gave me. My very self I give you.For these, I give thanks."Give thanks in every circumstance, because this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." - 1 Thessalonians 5:18