Three simple ways to nourish your soul

Two weeks ago I wrote about how we can make decision-making easier.  One of the things I mentioned that helps me make decisions is to ensure that my soul is nourished.  During this past week I had somebody ask me about practical steps he could take to ensure that his soul is nourished.I know that there are as many thoughts on this as there are people on the planet.   There certainly is not a definitive list nor is there a formula.  For what it’s worth, here is what works for me.

On a daily basis I do these three simple things:

  1. I read only 2 -3 verses of either the Old or the New Testament as well as 2-3 verses of a Proverbs or Psalms.
  2. I spend time thinking about what I have read.  I roll it around in my head, putting emphasis on different words.  I try to find ways in which the scriptures apply to my life personally.  Sometimes I will commit it to memory.
  3. I pray the Lord’s Prayer every day.  I use it as a guideline and I expand on each sentence in ways that are applicable and relevant to my life.

These are the steps I take that nourish my soul.  I find my time with God is fresh and meaningful.  There is no pressure to do anything other than enjoy the scripture and enjoy God.I know some people like to read through the entire bible every year.  I certainly do recommend this kind of systematic reading on occasion, but for me, this is more informative and contextual than nourishing.  It's also too easy to rush through the chapters for the day and then check it off the list as a chore done.I think in-depth bible studies are great and I love to do this in a group setting.  Exploring the bible and understanding the theology behind the words is exhilarating.  But again, for me, this kind of study is not what daily nourishes me.Without personal application of scripture and without sincere and relevant prayer, I believe we will be malnourished, skinny and susceptible to disease. For me, the three simple ways above are like fruit and vegetables – healthy and good and very necessary for nourishment of the soul.Question:  What is one thing you do on a daily basis that nourishes your soul?   


She Paid Attention


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