My terrific idea
The other day I had a terrific idea. I’ve lived long enough to know that not every idea I come up with is great, but that particular one was. I liked it and wanted to move full steam ahead to implement it. There was one catch however. It wasn’t entirely my decision to make and I had to present it to another person for consideration. And yup – that person did not like it.What to do?Here are some things I considered doing:
- Get a posse together of everybody who agrees with me and let the person see how many people are on my side.
- Bombard the person with statistics, blogs, emails and opinion poles to help them see the light.
- Sulk.
Fortunately my daily devotional time came before I could implement any of the above considerations. After reading some scripture, my emotions calmed down and my mind stopped yelling instructions at me. I prayed through my prayer list and afterward realized how many more important things were going on around me. I prayed for the person who did not like my idea and, whilst praying, I realized how much they meant to me and how little my idea meant in comparison.Here is what I did do.
- I told the person that I valued their opinion and would not be partial and give precedence to my ideas only.
- I gave sincere thought to their idea and realized it made a lot of sense.
- I still liked my idea but acknowledged it was just one of many that could be implemented successfully.
- I took up my cross and followed Jesus.
We did not go with my idea and the project was implemented another way. My ego took a bit of a bump but I gained in two significant ways:
- A strengthened relationship with my "adversary".
- A successful outcome to our project anyway.
“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.” James 3:17Question: Fortunately for me, the other person's idea was strategic and had value. In the light of the above scripture verse, what do you think I should have done if they had a really bad idea?